Friday, January 14, 2011

Bigger Animals Evolved to Have Bigger Brains to Remember Where All the Food Might Be

By Lance Winslow
The bigger the animal, obviously the more food it needs to sustain itself. And since there are seasonality and different events, and larger animal has to know where to get that food, where it is in abundance, and the best way to make sure it's available. For this the larger animal will need a bigger brain, and a good memory. Now then, I ask you; is this why an elephant has such a good memory, and such a large brain? Is it the same for humans, is that why we've developed a big brain?

How about predatory birds they seem to have larger brains than all the other birds and they also eat a lot more, and they have to be cunning, and hunt. All that takes a greater cognitive ability, and therefore they need a better brain. Would it stand to reason that most larger animals have bigger brains, yes, evolutionarily speaking this would make sense. In practice is this the case? It appears to be, as most larger animals do have bigger brains, but not all of them.

Perhaps the larger animals, which have an abundance food supply don't necessarily need a bigger brain. And perhaps domesticated animals which are fed generation after generation as pets by humans don't need a bigger brain either. Does this observation and theory hold true also? Yes, actually it does. Wild cats and dogs have bigger brains than their domestic partners that we breed and feed.

There have been several theories all along this line of thinking, and it makes sense from an evolutionary, biological, and practical standpoint. Large animals with small brains are reliant on an abundance and ever available food supply. If that food supply ever vanishes, chances are the animals will as well. It is important to observe nature to get a better understanding of the world we live in. Perhaps you have theories that you've thought of, or things that you would like to debate or discuss. If so perhaps you might e-mail me. And as for this particular theory, I hope you will please consider it.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic.


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